IE’s Research Office´s mission is to stimulate and enable Research at IE by supporting Researchers at all Schools of IE in the development, management, funding, reporting, accreditation, dissemination and transfer to society, of their research activity. The Research Office acts as the operative unit of the Vicerectorate of Research, for the implementation of IE´s policies and initiatives for Research Development



Identification of research funding opportunities and support for proposals preparation, project management and justification reporting.

Promotion of the University-Enterprise collaboration, Supervision of applied research initiatives (Centers, Chairs, etc.) and technology transfer actions, and support in the negotiation of private contracts for research.

Collection and management of information and indicators on the research activity at IE for purposes Evaluations, Rankings, Official and Private Accreditations, Scientific dissemination, Strategic Planning, Communication and other purposes of interest.

Promotion of the strategic and operative institutional initiatives for the scientific exchange between internal and external researchers (Research Seminars), and for the internal and external communication and dissemination of the research activity at IE.

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